La settimana scorsa la MSGP ha avuto la tonsillite.
febbre sopra i 40, la piccola voleva fare solo una cosa: stare sdraiata. niente musica, niente Totoro, niente Monsters Inc, solo mamma...anche bere era un grosso problema. Abbiamo provato: acqua, succhi di frutta vari, integratori salini, latte, gelato, gelato sciolto, gelato semi-sciolto, ghiaccio tritato.
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Nel tentativo di farla bere ci si e' riempito il lavandino di bicchieri (di plastica e di vetro, a forma di calice e non), cannucce (sottili, spesse, che si piegano, corte, lunghe...) e cartoncini di succo...
Niente paura, siamo tornati alla normalita'...e NIENTE ANTIBIOTICI, hurra! (lo dice una che si e' intossicata di antibiotici, prescritti dal dottore a causa delle ripetute tonsilliti!)
Pero' tutte quelle ore passate a guardare il soffitto, nel caldo del micro-appartamento con una stufetta a 40 gradi appiccicata alle costole, hanno dato i loro frutti. Il mio cellulare ha una nuova custodia, e mi sono inventata un fiorellino all'uncinetto...non saprei proprio come riprodurlo, e non so cosa farmene...pero' e' carino lo stesso, anche a detta della MSGP che ha commentato mooi, mama... Last week MFSJ had tonsillitis.
With fever as high as 40C, my little one wanted to do only one thing: lay in bed. No watching Totoro, no Monsters Inc...only having mama in bed with her. Drinking was a big big problem, we tried water, fruit juice, isotonic drinks, milk, ice cream, melted ice cream, semi-melted ice cream, shaved ice...
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...and in the desperate attempt to make her sip something, our kitchen sink piled up with ALL the glasses of the house (plastic, glass, in the shape of chalice and not), all sorts of plastic straws we could find (short, long, thin and thick, bendy and straight) and little cartons of juice (we tried even to refill those, with all the abovementioned concoctions).
Nothing to worry about, though: MFSJ is back to normal...and NO ANTIBIOTICS were necessary, hurray! (As a child, I got intoxicated with antibiotics, prescribed by my GP because I suffered, almost on a weekly basis, of tonsillitis...)
All those hours spent looking at the ceiling, in the heat of our micro-flat with a little human stove radiating heat firmly attached to my ribcage, were not mobile phone has a new case, and I invented a little crocheted flower, which I'll never be able to reproduce and which I really don't know how to use...but MFSJ approved with a mooi, mama, and that's plenty, for mum's heart!
mercoledì 6 agosto 2008
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2 commenti:
hey manu, i think you have fuond the use for the flower already, to make a little girl happy! glad to hear she is better already, and a fighter by the sounds of it. say hello to her from her swirl friend!
Hi MFSJ's Swirl Friend! To be honest the little flower got lost in the house: we think MFSJ stashed it somewhere...for one of her "projects", I guess!
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