Un durissimo colpo per la povera Miep van der Berg...la MSGP non ha gradito la torta allo zenzero, sigh! Una ricetta che sono riuscita a scroccare a Cori circa 5 anni fa. Cori e' una donnina che si aggira per il dipartimento dove lavoravo, e non ho mai capito cosa ci faccia li', ma nessuno me l'ha saputo spiegare...
Tornando alla torta allo zenzero...la MSGP toglie tutti i cubetti di zenzero candito! che disgrazia! Pero' il MGP era felicissimo...quindi adesso c'e' un problema: accontento il marito o la figlia?!
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Intanto qui metto la ricetta...
INGREDIENTI: 125gr burro ammorbidito, 100gr zucchero grezzo, 3 tuorli e 3 albumi montati a neve ferma, 125 ml latticello, vasetto da 240gr di zenzero candito (Pezzetti e sciroppo), 250gr farina integrale, mezza bustina di lievito, pizzico di sale.
PREPARAZIONE: montare il burro ammorbidito con lo zucchero, fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso. aggiungere i tuorli. Setacciare la farina con il lievito ed un pizzico di sale (la crusca non passa dal setaccio, aggiungerla dopo!). Aggiungere un terzo della farina all'impasto, poi meta' del latticello. continuare ad aggiungere farina e latticello alternandoli. Alla fine, versare nell'impato l'intero contenuto del vasetto di zenzero candito. aggiungere delicatamente gli albumi montati, versare nella tortiera imburrata e cuocere a 160C per 70 minuti. another big blow for Miep van der Berg: her gembercake was not appreciated by MFSJ. A recipe safely kept in my recipebook for the last 5 years, a kind gift from Cori...Cori is a little lady roaming the corridors of the department where I used to work...I never understood what she was doing there, but no one else seemed to have the answer to my question~
back to the gembercake: MFSJ takes out all the bits of candied ginger!!!! but MFJ loved it...so now I am faced with a big dilemma: bake it for my husband or change recipe for my little one?
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For now, let me post the recipe...
INGREDIENTS: 125gr softened unsalted butter, 100gr brown sugar, 3 yolks, 3 eggwhites whisked to stiff peaks, 125ml buttermilk, a 240gr pot of candied ginger (in syrup), 250gr wholegrain flour, 1/2 sachet of baking powder, pinch of salt.
PREPARATION: whisk butter and sugar until you get a fluffy and light mix, add the yolks. sieve the flour (re-add the bran, which won't go through the holes) with the baking powder and the salt. add a third of the flour to the egg-mix, then half buttermilk. continue adding flour and buttermilk alternating them. add ginger and its syrup only at the end, then flod in the eggwhites. bake at 160C for 70minutes.
giovedì 7 agosto 2008
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4 commenti:
O my, Cori... I forgot about her! Is she still there by the way? I have got to side with MFSJ on this, I was not a fan of the gembercake either.
Greetings from Oslo by the way!
somehow I knew you were going to say that you didn't like the gembercake!!!
yes, Cori is still around and I managed to tell her in my perfect nederl-iano that I baked "her" cake for my daughter...didn't dare to tell the whole truth, she was so happ and went away saying "geweldig"...how am I supposed to break her heart like that?!
can't you split the dough in two, find a suitable separator for the pan and add the ginger bits to one half only?
Mr HTML, your scientific-technical approach to cooking is fantastic! I still have the notes I took while you explained me how to bake bread and make cheese!
I will try to find a suitable separator...
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