ok, un'altro video di scienziati pazzi...questa volta il set e' una di quelle conferenze dove in teoria si discutono scoperte all'avanguardia, al limite della fantascienza...in realta' l'ambiente e' cosi' soporifero che ti addormenti ancor prima che mister chairman abbia finito l'introduzione...a meno che qualcuno non abbia il coraggio di mettere le sue scoperte in musica.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Hans Muelmeister, PhD!!!!!!!!! ok, here we go: another video for crazy scientists...this time the setting is one of those conferences where you are supposed to discuss amazing discoveries, almost science-fictional...in reality the environemnt ends up being SO BORING that you fall asleep even before mister chairman has had a chance to finish his introduction...
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Hans Muelmeister, PhD!!!!!!!!!
if you go to the corresponding youtube page, you can read the lyric there ;-)
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I particularly like his "acknowledgements" session:
Right now I wanna take some time to thank the people in my lab
We got Vaneetha Adani working the Q-TOF -- you go girl, that's right.
We got Billy Jenkins on sample prep -- peace my brother.
We got Calvin Jiang on MassHunter and the METLIN database -- keep crunchin' that data amigo.
And last but not least I want to give a big shout out to Agilent Technologies. Without the 6520 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS I wouldn't be where I am today. You're beautiful. I love you people. Stay mass spectacular. Peace. I'm out.
I haven't been to many international conferences...in fact, I have been to NONE (and I know who to thank for that) so I don't know how many group leaders have the guts to thank their "people in the lab" with something that goes beyond a sterile list of names...
domenica 17 agosto 2008
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