C’e’ una canzoncina olandese che dice Ik ben twee en ik zeg nee, cioe’ “ho due anni e dico no". La MSGP e’ in quell’eta’ indefinita che comincia a due e finisce a trent’anni. Per ora l’affermazione del diritto all’indipendenza e’ limitata all’infilarsi le calzine da sola, rifiutare lo yoghurt la mattina, non volersi pettinare, voler guardare Totoro fino a far inchiodare il lettore DVD...e siamo gia’ disperati. Come faremo quando si trattera’ di uscire con gli amici la sera e non rientrare fino a tardi...anche se il giorno dopo c’e’ scuola?!!
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Poi mi guardo intorno...ma l’eta’ del nee finisce davvero a trent’anni? No perche’ a guardar bene c’e’ gente che a quasi 70 anni si rifiuta ancora di ascoltare...si tratta di adolescenza mai sorpassata, oppure di regressione all’infanzia? Boh. Sono una pseudo-scienziata, non uno strizzacervelli...pero’ ogni tanto la domanda me la faccio...
Tormando a noi: AIUTO! S.O.S!!! consigli, spalla amica su cui piangere, babysitting… e’ gradito qualunque contributo per la salvezza della nostra (mia e del MGP) sanita’ mentale ... There’s a dutch children song that goes Ik ben twee en ik zeg nee, that is “I’m two years old and I say no”. MFSJ is in that undefined phase that starts at two and ends when they are 30…for now her battle for independence is all about putting on her socks BY HERSELF, refusing to eat yoghurt in the morning, refusing to comb her hair, wanting to watch Totoro until the DVD player gets stuck…and we are already at the end of our tether. How can we possibly endure until that age when she’ll want to go out with friends at might even if the day after there’s school?
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Then again…if I look around, I start wondering in the age of nee ends at 30…it’s true, look! There’s people closer to their 70s (SEVENTIES!!!) who still refuse to listen…is that because they never got out of their adolescence, or because they are reverting to their childhood? I’m a wannabe scientist, not a shrink…but I do sometimes wonder…
Anyway: please help. Advice, shoulder on which to cry on, offering to babysit…we (MFJ and I) welcome all your contributions to save our mental sanity.
venerdì 18 luglio 2008
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