Volete proprio proprio assaporare le delicatezze d’Olanda a casa vostra? Allora provate queste. Ci metterete un sacco di tempo, ed alla fine sareste piu’ contenti con la pizza fatta in casa, ma quella non e’ olandese...giusto? Miep van der Berg ha sperimentato per voi una versione delle bitterballen (il risultato lo vedete qui sopra) liberamente ispirata alla ricetta che trovate su coquinaria.nl. Pronti? Partiamo.
Leggi tutto
250ml brodo di carne
300gr carne macinata (in teoria va bene quella cotta che avete usato per fare il brodo...ma Miep ha voluto fare le cose in grande stile)
30gr burro, 30 gr farina
Scalogno tritato fine (oppure spring onion)
Sale, pepe, noce moscata, aromi Preparazione: fate saltare lo scalogno nel burro fuso finche’ diventa traslucido, poi aggiungete la farina e mescolate. Avete ottenuto un roux. Aggiungete la carne, se cruda fatela rosolare ben bene finche’ e’ cotta, poi aggiungete il brodo. Fate sobbolire 5 minuti, spegnete il fuoco, fate raffreddare bene e mettete in frigorifero a solidificare (eh si...solidifica...ci sono gli amidi nella farina, no?). una volta solidificato (roba che no nsi muove nemmeno a sbattere la pentola) potete fare delle palline del diametro di 3cm, rotolarle nella farina, congelarle. E cosi’ potete andare a dormire.
Quando poi volete DAVVERO assaporare l’Olanda...togliete le palline dal freezer, rotolatele nell’uovo battuto e poi nel pangrattato (meglio se mettete un po’ di sale nel pangrattato oppure nell’uovo), ripetete la panatura una seconda volta. Friggete in abbondante olio (180C) per 5 minuti. Servite fumanti con salsa di senape o ketchup (la MSGP le preferisce rosse...)
Verdetto? Buone, ma la pizza e’ meglio ;-). Miep, ferita nel suo orgoglio di missionaria culinaria per l’olanda, torna a studiare ricette e non so quando si rifara’ viva...magari l’anno prossimo per la seconda edizione della Settimana Olandese. Do you REALLY want to taste a dutch delicacy in the quiet of your home? Then try these. You’ll spend a lot of time on them and in the end you’ll see it would have been better to make pizza from scratch…bu that is not a dutch delicacy…right? Miep Van der Berg has worked out for all of you a variation (the result is in the picture above)on a recipe which she found on coquinaria.nl. Ready? Let’s go!
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250ml meat stock, home made, of course
300gr minced meat (in theory you should use the cooked one that you got from making the stock…but Miep decided to really splash out)
30gr butter, 30 gr flour
Finely chopped shallot (or spring onion)
Salt, pepper, nutmeg, herbs Preparation: saute’ the onion in the butter until soft, then add flour and mix vigorously. What you just made is called roux. Add the meat, and if it is raw cook it thoroughly before adding the stock. Simmer for 5 minutes, remove from the heat, let it cool down completely and put in the refrigerator to solidify (starches do that, right?). Once solid (it doesn’t move even if you shake the pan) roll out little balls (circa 3cm in diameter) and cover them in flour. Place on a tray well separated and with a lot of flour around, and freeze them. Go to bed and rest well.
When you really crave the taste of Holland, take them out of the freezer, roll them in whisked egg, then in breadcrums, reapeat once more, and fry for 5 minutes at 180C in plenty of hot oil. Serve them piping hot, with mustard sauce or ketchup (MFSJ likes them red).
And? Well...let me tell you: they taste good, but pizza is better. Miep, deeply hurt in her pride as Missionary Culinary for the Netherlands, said she’s going back to study some more recipes and won’t tell us when she’ll be back…hopefully for the second edition of the Dutch Week next year!!!
domenica 20 luglio 2008
Bitterballen, by Miep van der Berg
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3 commenti:
This Dutch person won't hold it against you. I've never been a big fan of them myself. You can make me a nice pizza when I'm back in NL though for sure! :-)
i have to say... of all the very many bread-crumbed, deep fried items available in NL, this is my favourite! something about the high breadcrumb-shell to dodgy filling ratio maybe? but of course the mustard makes it all good :-)
Thyra...pizza it is!
Sharm...the breadcrumb shell is the easiest part! just roll the item in egg, then readcrumbs and REPEAT. But I agree with you: generous amounts of mustard help a lot!
I am now studying another dutch-favourite: ontbijtkoek!
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