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per amore delle vostre arterie non vi metto la ricetta. vi dico solo che e' stata molto apprezzata, anche dalla festeggiata, che ha assistito alla preparazione con interesse. Chissa' quanto le e' costato non infilare il ditino nelle ciotoline mentre separavo gli smarties in base al colore (per vostra informazione, i blu sono quelli meno frequenti)...forse aveva capito che era tutto nel suo interesse!
Non so se esiste una classifica a punti segreta nella mente di ogni bimbo, ma se cosi' fosse, questa torta, insieme alla festina di compleanno che le abbiamo organizzato, ci manterra' in cima a detta classifica per un po' di giorni. I piccoli invitati (Daniel, David e Jane) sembrano aver apprezzato molto anche le pizzette.
I festeggiamenti si sono conclusi il lunedi', con la festa all'asilo. Per l'occasione sono stata autorizzata a portare le torte, purche' non troppo dolci. La classica 1-2-3-yoghurt ha fatto la sua bella figura, e non ne e' rimasta nemmeno una briciola.
La MSGP sembra davvero felice di tutte queste attenzioni. E la mamma piu' imbranata del mondo si sente eccezionalmente orgogliosa di se stessa...

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to spare your artheries I won't put the recipe here. I can only say that it was really appreciated, especially by MFSJ who assisted me while I was making it. I don't know how much it costed her to NOT put her tiny fingers in the little bowls containing the smarties I was sorting by colour (if you want to know, blue ones are something of a rarity!)...maybe she knew it was all in her interest to keep her hands away from the munchies.
I don't know if there is a secret scores-list in the brain of a child, but if it were true, I'm sure this cake, together with the birthday party we threw for her, would place us high up at the top of the list for a long time. The little guests (Daniel, David and Jane) loved also the pizzette I made.
the celebrations ended on monday, with the party at the daycare. for the occasion I was allowed to bake cakes, "as long as tehy are not too sweet". So the classic 1-2-3-yoghurt came in handy...apparently really "lekker" since I didn't bring home any leftover!
MFSJ seems really happy of all the attentions. and the most clumsy mum on the planet is feeling somehow quite proud of herself...
2 commenti:
A belated Happy Birthday to your MFSJ! I looked at your pictures and she looks like a right little gem! Such a gorgeous girl and with such a happy smile. You must be proud parents.
The cake looks yummy, I don't doubt it was delicious. :-)
Hiya! yes...she is a diamond! And her smile is something everyone keeps noticing...We are proud, exhausted but proud!
the cake...let me just tell you that it was in reality TWO cakes: one on top of the other. there was chocolate and cocoa inside, in between and outside. there was chocolate i nthe decorations, and VLA for a touch of dutchness ;-)
I can safely say that it can compete with those we ate in that amazing place in A'dam.
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