Prima di venire in Kikkerland conoscevo il rabarbaro solo per il sapore strano di certe caramelle che piacevano al nonno e per un noto liquore. Non sapevo nemmeno come era fatto...mea culpa.
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Poi ho conosciuto l'highlander...e per una missionaria culinaria in erba come me l'evento rasenta l'epifania del messia in persona. registravo ogni parola (o quel che capivo...l'accento non e' certo per anglofili novizi!), ogni gesto...ancora adesso e' il mio compendio enciclopedico di pasticceria. non solo...mi fornisce gli ingredienti piu' strampalati quando non so dove sbattere la testa per procurarmeli.
beh, insomma: tutto questo registrar di parole e opere si e' finalmente reso utile...
ho affrontato il mio primo piatto al risultato ha riscosso l'approvazione del MGP, della MSGP e del MRC (Milanese Ruba Castagne)...inviterei l'highlander, ma la torta e' gia' finita!!!
Tarte a la Rhubarbe(specialite alsacienne)
Ingredienti per l'impasto: 200gr farina, 100gr burro, pizzico di sale, 1 cucchiaio da tavola di zucchero, acqua q.b.
Ingredienti per il ripieno: 1 gambo di rabarbaro, pelato e tagliato a pezzetti piccoli. 2 uova. 150gr zucchero a velo vanigliato.
Preparazione: mettere a macerare il rabarbaro con un paio di cucchiai di zucchero.
fare la fontana al centro della farina, metterci sale e zucchero, versare il burro fuso e lavorare. aggiugnere acqua se necessario. l'impasto deve risultare sodo e non appicicaticcio. foderare una tortiera e mettere in frigorifero a riposare per un ora.
separare i tuorli, sbatterli energicamente con 75 gr di zucchero a velo. montare a neve ben ferma gli albumi, aggiungendo i rimanenti 75 gr di zucchero.
preriscaldare il forno a 200C, disporre il rabarbaro sulla base della torta. cospargere di zucchero. infornare per 20-30 minuti. versare la crema di tuorli e ripassare in forno per 10 minuti. coprire con la maringa, abbassare la temperatura a 60C (anche 100C va bene) e cuocere per 20 minuti before coming to Kikkerland I knew that rhubarb was used in those candies my grandad liked so much, as well as in a bitter ominous alcoholic drink. I didn't even know what it looked like...mea culpa.
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Then I met the highlander...and I have to say that for a Culinary Missionary wannabe, it was like meeting the Messiah...a true Epiphany. When he was in MFJ's kitchen I used to record every word (or what I thought were words...the accent is not exactly for anglophiles in the making!), every move...he is still my walking encyclopedia when it comes to patisserie. Not only that...I can always rely on him for odd ingredients (and for ME, Italian ME, black treacle belongs to the category).
And finally, all my recording of words and movements paid off. I bought my first 3 stalks of rhubarb, and I did what the highlander did (although it didn't say in the recipe I had) to make...a CAKE! The result of this first experiment was highly appreciated by MFJ, MFSJ and CSM (the Chestnut Stealer from Milan)...I'd like to ask the highlander's opinion, but the cake is finished...
Tarte a la Rhubarbe (specialite alsacienne)
Ingredients for the pastry: 200gr four, 100gr butter (unsalted), pinch of salt, 1 Tbs sugar, water as necessary.
Ingredients for the filling: rhubarb stalks, peeled and finely chopped. 2 eggs, whites and yolks separated. 150gr vanilla powder sugar.
Preparation: mix the rhubarb with a couple of Tbs of sugar, set aside. mix all ingredients for the pastry until the dough is smooth and not sticky. line a baking tin and place it to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
beat the yolks with 75 gr of powder sugar. whip the whits with the remaining sugar and a pinch of salt. pre-heat the oven to 200C, line the pastry with the rhubarb drained from its water. sprinkle with extra sugar. bake for 20-30 minutes.
Pour the yolk cream on top, continue baking for 10 minutes. add the merengue, lower the temperature to 60C, continue baking for 20 minutes.
martedì 19 maggio 2009
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2 commenti:
this one is going right into my 'to cook' list! thank the highlander for me... his lemon tart is still making people happy the world around!
you know..this one is from Elodie...the Highlander just taught me a few things:
1-what rhubarb looks like
2-how to soften/sweeten rhubarb
3-how to make meringues (with the help of Delia Smith...but don't tell him).
Elodie's version was a bit difficult to understand, so I implemented it.
it's a french-meet-scots-meet-italian-in-the-Netherlands type of cake.
I'm off to buy more rhubarb.
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