Sto c***eggiando, incollata alla sedia davanti al PC. In teoria avrei solo quel mezzo milioncino di cose da fare...dopotutto sono sempre una mamma, una casalinga, una donna “in corriera” (cioe’ una che vorrebbe una carriera ma si ritrova a rincorrerla nel tempo libero), donna e basta (anche questa...)
Eppure, invece di stirare, lavare, leggere articoli scientifici, farmi una tanto necessaria manicure (niente di che...basterebbe mettere un po’ di crema ogni tanto) sto qui, con il pensiero fisso.
L’idea fissa in questo momento appartiene alla sfera materna: cosa succedera’ domani all’asilo? Magari se sto sveglia e ci penso per 12 ore filate poi la MSGP non piange domani. Insomma, con questo tarlo in testa non mi riesce di concludere niente...nemmeno un post sul mio blog!
Cosi’ faccio la pigra, e metto qui un bellissimo spot pubblicitario...quello della nuova fiat500. E che ci azzecca? boh...
Il fatto e' che manca poco alle elezioni. Come italiana residente all’estero, ho avuto la fortuna di togliermi il pensiero gia’ settimana scorsa. Ed i poveri italiani che invece in Italia ci vivono? Si devono sorbire "Mr Pizza" e la sua DC (no, non e’ il rivale di PizzaHut o DominoPizza, e DC non significa “double cheese”...purtroppo), le mozzarelle alla diossina, Fini che sceglie come pesce d’aprile l’affermazione “nelle moschee italiane si preghera’ in Italiano” (ah...non e’ un pesce d’aprile? Era serio?), e poi c’e’ chi vuole ristampare le schede elettorali e chi saltella cantando YMCA in versione censurata...
Noi non abbiamo piu’ la connessione TV. Ce ne siamo liberati. Per ora viviamo di DVD e musica...che bello essere LIBERI. Non ne potevo piu’ di essere bombardata da “edizioni straordinarie” e “notizie dell’ultimo minuto” che sono gia’ superate dopo 30 secondi dalla messa in onda. Che pace. Purtroppo c’e’ internet…che usiamo per controllare il tempo, cercare ricette, e LEGGERE I GIORNALI...insomma, non si scappa.
Pero’ da internet e grazie a mio cugino (buon compleanno!!!) ho trovato questo, e me lo metto proprio qui su questo post, cosi’ me lo posso guardare quando mi manca la mia bella Italia...quella che mi piace pensare sia la VERA italia...
Ah…c’e’ anche quest altro…
Questi due video mi fanno venire la-pelle-d’oca-la-gola-secca-e-lo-sniffio-al-naso. Sara’ la voce di Ricky Tognazzi, il pianoforte di Giovanni Allevi, la scelta delle parole…
Questi due video sono il mio antiveleno....dopo una visita od una telefonata al Consolato italiano di Amsterdam, dopo una veloce lettura dei titoli di La Repubblica online, dopo aver sentito per l’ennesima volta la Signora TV che starnazza alle spalle di mia mamma al telefono…quando mi convinco che l’unica via d’uscita e’ chiedere il passaporto Olandese e iscriversi al programma di vuole la piccola fiat500 per salvarmi!
Ok, questa campagna pubblicitaria e’ espicitamente ispirata a quella della Think different della apple (video piu’ sotto, per gli anglofoni!!!)...
e sono pure convinta che la nuova 500 non c’entri niente con quella vecchia (mi ricordo certe trasferte settimanali, ero piccola e potevo sdraiarmi completamente sul sedile posteriore...e mi ricordo pure che il mio papa’ riusciva far stare di tutto nel portabagagli ANTERIORE...e mi ricordo il caratteristico suono di quando si scala dalla terza alla “doppietta”...segnale inconfondibile che il papa’ era quais a casa, bastava che svoltasse a destra e cominciasse la “discesa”)...
pero’ pero’...chi esce meglio dal confronto: il faccione di Alberto Sordi o quello di Berlusconi? Mhmm? Now...sorry about this: I wrote a BEAUTIFUL translation, and my laptop went BLUE. I’ll add it tomorrow. Not that anyone would notice anyway… enjoy the music: it’s by Giovanni Allevi and the name of the piece is “back to life”…
did anyone read me last night? no? oh's the translation....
I’m doodling, glued to the chair in front of the PC. I’d have SO MANY THINGS to do, about a half a million…after all I am a mother, a housewife, a courier-woman (well, I’d like to be a career woman, but I end up RUNNING AFTER –hence courier- my career in my spare time!)…just a woman.
Despite me being all of those things, instead of ironing, washing, reading scientific papers, getting a much needed manicure (nothing fancy, just some hand cream) I am stuck here, with ONE single thought running around in my mind. The single thought belongs to the “motherly” Manu: What will happen tomorrow morning at the daycare? Maybe, just maybe, staying u all night and focusing on JUST that thought might do the trick and MFSJ won’t cry. With this thought gnarling my brain away, I cannot get anything done, not even a decent entry on my blog.
So I’ll be lazy for once and just say “Here’s one I prepared before”. The two videos you see I nthe Italian version are two ads of the “new” fiat500 (2007). Why am I posting these?
Well, the fact is that we are getting very close to E-day (electionsday) in Italy. Since I live abroad, I was lucky enough to be done with it already last week. But what about those poor Italians that live in Italy? They have to endure Mr Pizza and his DC (no, he’s no competition for PizzaHut or Domino Pizza, and DC is no, unfortunately, the acronym for Doublr Cheese), they have to hear about Japan and dioxin-contaminated mozzarellas, they have to listen to Mr Fini with his April’s fool “prayers must be in Italian in ALL of the mosques on Italian soil” (oh? It’s not an April’s fool? He really meant it?!) and then there are the ones that want to re-print ALL of the ballots because “confusing” and others who jump around singing a censored version of YMCA.
Thanks to MFJ we have no TV connection anymore. We are free. For now we live off DVDs and music, lots of it. I was SO tired of being fired at with “breaking news” that are old already 30 seconds after broadcast. Such peace. Unfortunately we have internet, and became addicted to that one instead. We use it to check the weather forecast, look up recipes, and…read the news!!
But thanks to Internet and my cousin (happy birthday, by the way!) I found those two videos, and I decided to place them on my blog …so I can watch them when I miss my beautiful Italy, the one I like to think is the real one…they give me goose-bumps-sore-throat-running-nose…maybe it’s because of ricky Tognazzi’s voice, or Giovanni Allevi’s piano (the piece is called “back to life”, from his album “joy”, 2006), or maybe the text…t
These two ads are my antivenom…after a visit or a phonecall to the Italian Consulate in Amsterdam, after reading the news online on la repubblica, after hearing AGAIN mrs Television quacking in the background (not so background) while I am on the phone with my mum…when I think that the only solution is to ask for a dutch passport and start the inburgering program as soon as possible…the antivenom, in the shape of a little car, does the trick.
I know, I know…the campaign was clearly inspired by the much older one by apple, “think different”.
I am also convinced that the “new” fiat500 is nothing like the old one...which brings back sweet memories of long weekly trips to my grandparents’, I was so small I could lay down completely on the backseat. Memories of all sorts of things stuffed under the bonnet (the motor was at the back of teh car)...memories of THAT specific sound...going from 3rd to 2nd “doppietta”...I could hear it from home and it meant my dad was at the top of the road, was goinf to turn right into our driveway…
Nonetheless, it’s a great advertisement…and you tell me: who looks better on a video: the big face of Alberto Sordi or the one of Mr. Berlusconi, mhmm?
To be fair to my “we british” readers, here’s the Think different advertisement...hope it gives you goose bumps too!!!
martedì 8 aprile 2008
Anti veleno
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4 commenti:
Trust me, a Dutch passport is not the answer. I don't like what I see these days on the Dutch news either... too bad my Italian is so poor I can't follow your ads but they sound pretty nostalgic. :-)
mhmm...I'll file for Japanese passport then!! Anyway...the text is not particularly nostalgic, I think it's beautiful. I am not very poetic and not very good with words, but here's (more or less) what it says:
Life is made of places and people. They define (write) the time, our time.
We grow up and mature while collecting these experiences.
And these experience define us.
Some are more important than others, because they shape our character.
They teach us the difference between what is right and what is wrong, the difference between good and evil, what to be and what not to be. They teach us who we want to become.
In all of this, some people and some things become part of us in a spontaneous and unexplainable way.
They sustain us when we express ourselves and realize ourseves.
They legitimate us in our being authentic and true...
And if they really mean something, they inspire the way in which the world changes and evolves.
And then, they belong to all of us
(The new fiat belongs to all of us)
so, I'd rather be inspired by the two rivals Coppi and Bartali passing eachother a water bottle in the early 1950s than by the relay of accusations going on between the two main political candidates...:-)
If you decide science isn't the future for you, you can always become a professional translator! :-) It sounds beautiful indeed.
By the way, I noticed the new verification tool you are using for posting comments. I might need to do that too since with my last post I got several weird comments, presumably spam... did you get those too?
well, thanks for the compliments...but i think it's beautiful because it's already beautiful in fact, Idon't think I did it justice in a couple of lines, but hey! I am no literature professor.
as for the tool...uh? do I have a verification tool? I didn't know...
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