chocolate cake...everyone was pleased with the result. The only thing we bought was the pink glaze. The mint leaves come from the garden: MFSJ knows how good they look and taste together with strawberries, so she rushes to the garden with scissors in her hands as soon as cake decorating requires a strawberry! this was our first trial...next time will be even better.
Recipe Here
This is a muffin-dough recipe, and it's really easy and quick to bake.
You will need two bowls, in the first one sieve and mix all the dry ingredients:
210gr flour
210gr sugar (any variety, this time we used sugar cane, which was available in our pantry)
1/2 sachet baking powder
pinch of salt
70gr unsweetened cocoa powder
50gr chopped chocolate (crushed easter eggs work just as well)
in the second bowl mix
3 eggs
130gr melted butter
150ml milk
Now, line two cake tins of different size (we used a 21cm and a 12cm round tins) with parchment paper.
Mix quickly the content of the two bowls (12 turns of your wooden spoon) and pour the batter into the two tins.
Bake at 180C for 30 minutes.
Once baked, wait for the cakes to cool down. Cut away any bumps (my cakes tend to look always a bit like volcanoes...so I had to slice the top off) and flip them upside down.
I decorated the large cake with pink glaze (but melted white chocolate with a few drops of beetroot juice would do as well) and placed the small cake on top. I applied whipped cream to the top cake, and used a pastry bag (ziplog bag with one corner cut off) to apply the cream to the sides.
decorate as you please.

Ricetta qui
Questo impasto e' lo stesso che si usa per i muffin, quindi e' davvero facile e veloce da cuocere.
vi serviranno due ciotole, nella prima mescolate:
210gr farina
210gr zucchero (tutto va bene, noi avevamo in casa lo zucchero di canna)
1/2 sacchetto di lievito chimico
pizzico di sale
70gr cacao in polvere
50gr cioccolato a pezzetti (le uova di cioccolata a pezzetti vanno benissimo)
Nella seconda ciotola mescolate:
3 uova
130gr burro fuso
150ml latte
Ora, rivestite due tortiere di dimensioni diverse (noi abbiamo usato 21cm e 12 cm) con carta da forno (io rivesto solo il fondo, ai lati uso il metodo "della nonna": burro e farina)
Mescolate velocemente il contenuto delle due ciotole (12 giri d cucchiaio, non di piu'...non importa se l' impasto non e' omogeneo) e dividete l'impasto nelle due tortiere. Cuocere in forno preriscaladato a 180C per 30 minuti.
Una volta cotte, lasciate raffreddare le torte. Tagliate via i bernoccoli (Le mie torte riescono sempre un po' "vesuvio" cosi' devo tagliar via gli eccessi per renderle piatte) e giratele sotto sopra.
decorate la torta piu' grande con la glassa (anche cioccolata bianca fusa con aggiunta di poche gocce di succo di barbabietola funziona benissimo), sistemate la tortina sulla tortona e decorate anche quella come piu' vi piace: io ci ho spalmato la panna montata. Per le decorazioni di panna montata, potete ricavare una tasca da pasticcere da un sacchetto di plastica a cui avete tagliato un angolino. Aggiungete frutta fresca, confettini, smarties...quel che vi piace!
Buon appetito...
2 commenti:
A few days late but happy birthday to your gorgeous little girl. Who, I should note, is not so little anymore... my, how time flies!
Thanks Thyra...soon it will be your turn, girl! Happy Birthday!
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