Non ne va dritta una su questa via crucis post operatoria. Come regalo di Pasqua mi e’ arrivato un look d’avanguardia...roba da ispirare Altan...l’ho ribattezzato il “Pimpa Look”. E pazienza fosse solo il “look”, quel che si il prurito tremendo...quello come lo rendi in 2D?
Chiaramente questo sfogo pasqualino e’ iniziato durante il weekend, cosi’ la dottoressa non c’e’...che faccio? Smetto gli antidolorifici e ricomincio a camminare come una vecchietta ultranovantenne? Tengo gli antidolorifici e comincio a grattarmi come se avessi le pulci? Mah... And here we go, another “hiccup” on the way to recovery. There is a very mean Eastern bunny out there...who gave me a very avantgarde look as present...something that would make the cartoonist Altan really envious...I named it "The Pimpa look”, Pimpa being that strange dog in the picture, drawn by Altan the cartoonist. I’d be just happy with the look, but how do you CONVEY the itchiness in 2D?!
And of course this horrible rash came out just in time for Easter, so the doctor is not available, and I don’t feel like dashing to the E.R....what do I do? I stop taking painkillers and start walking like a 90 year old again? I take the painkillers and keep scratching? I dunno...but I don’t like the Pimpa Look...
domenica 12 aprile 2009
Pimpa Look
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2 commenti:
you know that if you need one, I always have a GP to spare for you. :-) Am staying with her now, so just give me a call on my mobile if you want a consult, okay. Hope you feel better soon!! Big hug.
thanks dear...I called the emergency doctor last night: he said that it's due to the medication...and prescribed SOME MORE PILLs, which MFJ went to pick up at the hospital. So now I can't take painkillers and I am taking antihistamines.
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