Siamo perplessi.
No perche’...le foglie della vite non e’ che coprano poi cosi’ bene...e qui continua a piovere forte. E poi, secondo voi questo nido regge? a me non pare troppo solido...
pero’ non vedo l’ora di raccontarlo alla mitica vicina di casa! Evviva! Anche noi siamo stati scelti come padrini di una nidiata di pennuti!!!!!
Tanto piu' che oggi, a ben guardare, si intravede la codina della signora Merlo che spunta dal nido!

But... we do have a couple who constantly visits us: two big fat blackbirds, so neat that they decided to clean the gutter of the roof of the garden shed (good for me, so I didn’t need to climb it with the ladder). But...to closer observation, Mr and Mrs Merlo didn’t travel too far with their bounty of twigs and moss. So I had a good look, and guess what? they didn’t even fly two meters! Their nest is on the pergola in front of our kitchen! I couldn’t see it before because GH is obsessed with courtains and those in the kitchen were the first to be intstalled...
we are a bit worried.
the canopy offered by grapevine leaves is not really watertight...and here it keeps raining really hard! and, in your honest opinion, does this nest hold?
Anyway: I can’t wait to tell the neighbor that we were also chosen as godparents for a nestful of feathery babies!!! Especially because this afternoon I just noticed the tail of Mrs Merlo sticking out of the nest!!! Aw...motherhood!